It allows the application of a thin and precise layer of product, avoiding long drying times.
Suitable for adhesive application even in curved and complex sections.
Ideal for the application of adhesives in footwear, leather goods, paper goods and bags.
Free of connections, it is a valuable aid at every stage of production.
Extreme ease of use and maintenance.
Available in different versions for every need in the production chain.
Available with 6 mm -10 mm - 25 mm round tips for water-based adhesives.
Quick and easy product loading with no downtime.
The product inside does not dry out, it can remain unused for a long time without spoiling.
Optimisation of the applied product by reducing waste to zero compared to traditional methods.
Ergonomic design.
The material used and its thickness allow automatic adaptation to the shape of the hand.
The material it is made of allows for prolonged and continuous use.
Bottle weight 130 g.
Dimensions: 190 mm x 40 mm.