Sewing Machines


Camarb N31-AIO-E

The CAMARB N31-ALL-IN-ONE-E (ELECTRONIC) is a post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 1 needle, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of motors step.

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric foot lift.


Camarb N31-AIO-CG-E

The CAMARB N31-ALL-IN-ONE-CG-E (ELECTRONIC with BIG CROCHET) is a post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 1 needle, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of step motors.

Crocet Grande, thread trimming device, electric postage and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N31-AIO-E-C997-CA

The new CAMARB N31-ALL-IN-ONE-E-C997-CA is a post-bed sewing machine with a special hight column (413 mm), single needle, electronic with integrated servo motor.

Thread trimmer, doulbe transport rotating synchronized by means of stepper motors.

Rotating horizontal hook, angle shaped sewing on heel.


Camarb N31-AIO-E-C997-CAS

The new Camarb N31-ALL-IN-ONE-E-C997-CAS is an extremely versatile and reliable post bed machine, available in the electronic version equipped with step motors.

Single needle, large vertical hook and in numerous other column configurations for any type of seam need.


Camarb N31-AIO-E-C997-CAS B

The new CAMBAR N31-ALL-IN-ONE-E-C997-CBS is a post-bed sewing machine with single needle, electonic, with integrated servo motor.

Thread/Backtracking, double transport rotating syncrhronized by means of stepper motors.

Rotating horizontal hook, angle shaped sewing on heel.


Camarb N31-AIO-E-C997-CP

The CAMARB N31-ALL IN ONE-E-C997-CP is a post-bed sewing machine with servo-drive integrated in the sewing head, single needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot by means of stepper motors.

Thread trimmer, electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.

Small Crochet.


Camarb N31-AIO-M

The CAMARB N31-ALL-IN-ONE-M is a MECHANICAL post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 1 needle, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of bearings.

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric foot lift.


Camarb N31-AIO-CG-M

The CAMARB N31-ALL-IN-ONE-CG-M (MECHANICAL with Crocet Grande) is a mechanical post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 1 needle, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of bearings.

Crocet Grande, thread trimming device, electric postage and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-E

The CAMARB N32-ALL-IN-ONE-E (ELECTRONIC) is an electronic post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 2 needles, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of motors step.

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-M

The CAMARB N32-ALL-IN-ONE-M (MECHANICAL) is a mechanical post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 2 needles, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of bearings .

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-CG-E

The CAMARB N32-CG-E (ELECTRONIC) is an electronic post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 2 needles, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of step motors.

Crocet Grande, thread trimming device, electric postage and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-175-E

The Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-175 E is a thin post-bed electronics sewing machine, with raised coloumn at 175 mm with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, double needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot.

Electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-310-E

The Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-310-E is a thin post-bed electronics sewing machine, with raised coloumn at 310 mm with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, double needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot by means of stepper motors.

Electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-CG-M

The CAMARB N32-CG-M (MECHANICAL) is a mechanical post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 2 needles, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of bearings.

Crocet Grande, thread trimming device, electric postage and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-175-M

The Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-175-M is a thin post-bed sewing machine, with raised coloumn at 175 mm with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, double needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot.

Electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-310-M

The Camarb N32-AIO-DXSX-310-M is a thin post-bed sewing machine, with raised coloumn at 310 mm with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, double needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot by means of stepper motors.

Electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N33-AIO-E

The CAMARB N33-ALL-IN-ONE-E (ELECTRONIC) is an electronic post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, with 1 needle, sews and trims, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of step motors.

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric foot lift.


Camarb N33-AIO-M

The CAMBAR N33-ALL-IN-ONE-M (MECHANICAL) is a mechanical post bed sewing machine with servo motor integrated in the sewing head, 1-needle, sew and trim, rotating feed dog, roller foot synchronized with the movement of the needle by means of bearings.

Thread trimming device, electric backtack and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N21-AIO

Post-bed sewing machine with servo-drive integrated in the sewing head, single needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot.

Thread trimmer, electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N21-AIO-CG

Post-bed sewing machine with servo-drive integrated in the sewing head, single needle, rotary feed dog, synchronized needle and presser foot.

LARGE HOOK with enlarged bobbin, thread trimmer, electric backtracking and electric presser foot lift.


Camarb N22-AIO

Post-bed sewing machine with servo drive integrated in the sewinghead.

  • Double needle
  • Rotary feed dog
  • Synchronized needle and presser foot
  • Thread trimmer
  • Electric backtracking
  • Electric presser foot lift

Camarb N24-AE-Z-ECO

Flat-bed lockstitch sewing machine, zig-zag stitch with drop feed and manual control for initial and final backtracking.

Integrated motor.


Camarb N24-AR-AE-Z-ECO

Flat-bed lockstitch sewing machine, zig-zag stitch, with drop feed, thread trimmer and electric driven control for initial and final backtracking.

Integrated motor.



Zig-zag post-bed sewing machine for medium-heavy materials as leather, artificial leather, heavy clothes etc.


Camarb N24TS-AR-AE-Z-ECO

Flat-bed lockstitch sewing machine, zig-zag stitch, two stitch or three stitch with drop feed, thread trimmer and electric driven control for initial and final backtracking.

Integrated motor.


Camarb N25-STR2S

Thigh performance sewing machine for shoe’s insoles and for other materials such as leather, fur, wool, mutton and fabrics.

Rotary feed dog and rear cup drive, chain stitch.

Useful for many applications: it is particularly suitable to sew mutton boots but also for nappa, wool, fur, leather and safety shoes.

Suitable also for finishing works of some upper’s sections and for the insole’s application to the upper.

These two parts are sewed by a flat and elastic stitch, which let to lightly improve the shoe’s outline.


Camarb N26-AL-E-ECO

Lookstitch, cylinderbed sewing machine with unison feed for working on tubular or for bindings.

Basic model with electric presser foot lifter.


Camarb N26-AR-AE-ECO

Lookstitch, cylinderbed sewing machine with unison feed for working on tubular or for bindings.

Thread trimmer, electric presser foot filter, electric backtracking.


CAMARB N150-100

Single needle programmable pattern sewing machine:

  • Equipped with thread trimmer
  • Pneumatic presser foot lifter
  • Electric backtracking
  • Pneumatic pallet lifter
  • Stepper motor with variable speed

Camarb N220-100

Single needle programmable pattern sewing machine:

  • Equipped with thread trimmer
  • Pneumatic presser foot lifter
  • Electric backtracking
  • Pneumatic pallet lifter
  • Stepper motor with variable speed

Camarb N300-200

Single needle programmable pattern sewing machine:

  • Equipped with thread trimmer
  • Pneumatic presser foot lifter
  • Electric backtracking
  • Pneumatic pallet lifter
  • Stepper motor with variable speed

Camarb N450-300

Single needle programmable pattern sewing machine:

  • Equipped with thread trimmer
  • Pneumatic presser foot lifter
  • Electric backtracking
  • Pneumatic pallet lifter
  • Stepper motor with variable speed

Camarb N600-400

Single needle programmable pattern sewing machine:

  • Equipped with thread trimmer
  • Pneumatic presser foot lifter
  • Electric backtracking
  • Pneumatic pallet lifter
  • Stepper motor with variable speed


New support table with foldable wheels for moving fast.

This innovative support system table with foldable wheels, remarkably facilitate the rapid movement of the machine in all those situations where it is required operational flexibility in production chains.



Macchina per la cucitura di suole varie a braccio verticale con rotazione di 360°:

  • A 1 Ago
  • Punto annodato
  • Crochet rotativo
  • Trasporto superiore combinato: ruotante ed arpione.


Macchina per cucire a colonna speciale per cuciture ornamentali finto mocassino e pelletteria con disegni vari a 1 o 2 aghi, con crochet oscillante ingrandito, trasporto a griffa fissa e piedini.

Motore Efka.



Macchina per cucire tomaie su fondi a cassetta e pelletteria varia.

  • Trasporto a punta d’ago con crochet rotativo
  • Possibilità di effettuare l’affrancatura iniziale e finale in automatico
  • Dotata di retromarcia

MT05/2 VD

Macchina per cucire mocassini tubolari e non, con vari disegni e un solo assetto di cucitura a richiesta.

Macchina a 1 o 2 aghi con trasporto a griffe differenziate, increspatura manuale preimpostata e variabile a mezzo ginocchiera durante la cucitura.

La macchina è predisposta per la realizzazione di 11 diverse cuciture e può cucire anche il mocassino montato.

Durkopp Adler

Mtype 869

Macchina a braccio libero a 1 ago (o 2 aghi) montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore

  • Trasporto punta d'ago e piedini alternati
  • Crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale
  • Controllo per 2 differenti lunghezze punto
  • Corsa del piedino regolabile tramite manopola e tramite leva a ginocchio durante la cucitura
  • Dispositivo rasafilo
  • Sollevamento del piedino automatico
  • Affrancatura automatica
  • Disponibile anche in versione a 2 aghi
Durkopp Adler

Mtype 669

Macchina a braccio libero a 1 ago montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore

  • Trasporto punta d'ago e piedini alternati
  • Crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale
  • Controllo per 2 differenti lunghezze punto
  • Corsa del piedino regolabile tramite manopola e tramite leva a ginocchio durante la cucitura
  • Dispositivo rasafilo
  • Sollevamento del piedino automatico
  • Affrancatura automatica
Durkopp Adler

Mtype 868

Macchina a colonna a 2 aghi montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore:

  • Trasporto punta d'ago e piedini alternati
  • Barre ago scollegabili
  • Crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale
  • Controllo per 2 differenti lunghezze punto
  • Corsa del piedino regolabile tramite manopola e dispositivo rasafilo
  • Sollevamento del piedino automatico
  • Affrancatura automatica
Durkopp Adler

Mtype 888

Macchina a colonna a 1 ago montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore, trasporto a griffa rotante, punta d'ago e piedino a rotella sincronizzato, crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale, dispositivo rasafilo, sollevamento del piedino automatico e affrancatura automatica.

Disponibile anche in versione a 2 aghi.

Durkopp Adler


Macchina piana per cuciture zig-zag (10 mm) a un ago montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore, piedino pressatore, crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale, dispositivo rasafilo, sollevamento del piedino automatico e affrancatura automatica.

Disponibile anche in versione a 2 aghi.

Durkopp Adler

Mtype 867

Macchina piana a 1 ago montata su tavolo e sostegno con trasporto inferiore, trasporto punta d'ago e piedini alternati, crochet grande montato su albero orizzontale, dispositivo rasafilo, sollevamento del piedino automatico e affrancatura automatica.

Disponibile anche in versione 2 aghi con barre ago scollegabili.



Macchina a braccio/bordatrice ad 1 ago utilizzata per la cucitura di calzature premontate, stivali, pelletteria e tappezzeria.

Dotata di triplice trasporto, crochet orizzontale e, a seconda delle versioni, dispositivo rasafilo, affrancatura automatica e alzata piedino automatica.



Macchina  a colonna ad un ago, utilizzata per la maggior parte dei lavori di cucitura nella produzione di calzature uomo/donna, calzature antinfortunistiche e pelletteria.

Dotata di trasporto a griffa rotante, piedino a rotella, trasporto ago e, a seconda delle versioni, dispositivo rasafilo, affrancatura automatica e alzata automatica del piedino.



Macchina  a colonna elettronica a 2 aghi, utilizzata per la maggior parte dei lavori di cucitura nella produzione di calzature uomo/donna, calzature antinfortunistiche, pelletteria e interni di automobili.

Dotata di trasporto a griffa rotante, piedino a rotella, trasporto ago, dispositivo rasafilo (regolabile), affrancatura automatica e alzata automatica del piedino.



Macchina  a colonna a 2 aghi, utilizzata per la maggior parte dei lavori di cucitura nella produzione di calzature uomo/donna, calzature antinfortunistiche e pelletteria.

Dotata di trasporto a griffa rotante, piedino a rotella e, a seconda delle versioni,  dispositivo rasafilo, affrancatura automatica e alzata automatica del piedino.



Macchina  a colonna elettronica ad un ago, utilizzata per la maggior parte dei lavori di cucitura nella produzione di calzature uomo/donna, calzature antinfortunistiche, pelletteria e interni di automobili.

Dotata di trasporto a griffa rotante, piedino a rotella, trasporto ago, dispositivo rasafilo (regolabile), affrancatura automatica e alzata automatica del piedino.



Macchina zig-zag piana ad un ago, utilizzata per la cucitura di calzature e abbigliamento sia in pelle che in vari tessuti.

Dotata di trasporto inferiore, crochet maggiorato orizzontale e, a seconda delle versioni, dispositivo rasafilo, affrancatura automatica, alzata piedino automatica, zigzag a 4 punti e zigzag a 6 punti.



Macchina per cucire a colonna speciale per cuciture ornamentali su guardolo (cuoio e salpa) con disegni vari a 1 o 2 aghi, con crochet oscillante ingrandito, trasporto a griffa fissa e piedini.

Motore Efka.



Macchina per cucitura ornamentale intersuole, suole fondi in gomma, tr, pvc, ideal su forma.

Macchina a braccio inclinato, ad 1 ago, con crochet ingrandito e triplice trasporto.

Completa di banco, tavolo e motore.



With this sturdy overseaming machine insoles are sewn to uppers.

In relation to the conventional lasting method, the Strobel-method saves quite a lot of material.

With this machine leather or textiles up to a thickness of 7 mm can be sewn.

Thereby the gathering device helps to sew in fullness of the upper. Optional equipment (different feed and front cups) enables the machine to manufacture children shoes or very delicate material.

Even kits for string-lasting (with strings up to 1,7 mm or up to 2,5 mm diameter) or for California-type shoes are offered.

Durkopp Adler

Delta 669

Macchina da cucire a braccio cilindrico appositamente pensata per le esigenze del settore della pelle.

Questa tipologia di macchina ti permette di cucire la pelle in modo veloce e con una qualità delle cuciture incredibile!



Macchina per cucire tomaie su fondi a cassetta (in particolare scarpe da bambino), trasporto a punta d'ago con crochet rotativo.

Optional: Affrancatura iniziale e finale in automatico e dotazione di retromarcia.