A 250 MP-F
This machine is able to treat a huge amount of soles in very short time and it can do it even with edged or strange shaped soles where the human hands would take a long time to do it.
This machine is able to treat a huge amount of soles in very short time and it can do it even with edged or strange shaped soles where the human hands would take a long time to do it.
The BR-60 gluing machine is an ergonomic applicator of Hot-Melt adhesives, complete with support base and pedestal. Designed to be easy to use, it is a highly reliable tool. It is equipped with three nozzles of different sizes and two external batteries. Each battery provides a working autonomy of five hours. This autonomy makes this product versatile and easily transportable within the production line.
The BR-01-ALL-IN-ONE-Q table is a joining and finishing bench equipped with Quick Move support with retractable wheels and a drawer with accessories.
Equipped with plates for water and solvent based gluing, stainless steel plate for punching, marble top for typing standard components, insert for typing boots, LED bar, drawer with organizer and a lower shelf for housing the tank glue.
In this version there are two arrangements for connection to the inspiration system.
Edge dyeing machines equipped with painter rollers of different diameters, suitable to be used in the sectors of leather goods, footwear, watch making, furnishing, nautical, automotive and leather items:
Macchina spaccatrice luce 420 mm.
La Premonta X78, idraulica a 9 pinze ed iniettore termoplastico, e' adatta a qualsiasi tipo di lavorazione: dai piu' piccoli numeri per bambino, a tutti i tipi di calzature per donna, con qualsiasi altezza di tacco, fino ai piu' grandi numeri per uomo .
Un kit speciale assicura un montaggio perfetto delle calzature di sicurezza con puntale in ferro o plastica .
Apparecchiature di serie: 9 pinze indipendenti, proiettore ottico, piastroni mobili, corsa piastre motorizzata e timers per la regolazione dell'apertura pinze, pinze girevoli e apribili, gruppo teflon avvolgi punte, gruppo SZ per il montaggio del raccordo fianco-cava, pressori laterali,sistema di incollaggio a tracciatori, dispositivo corsa piastre motorizzata, riduttrici di pressione e displaya colore touch screen 10".
With this sturdy overseaming machine insoles are sewn to uppers.
In relation to the conventional lasting method, the Strobel-method saves quite a lot of material.
With this machine leather or textiles up to a thickness of 7 mm can be sewn.
Thereby the gathering device helps to sew in fullness of the upper. Optional equipment (different feed and front cups) enables the machine to manufacture children shoes or very delicate material.
Even kits for string-lasting (with strings up to 1,7 mm or up to 2,5 mm diameter) or for California-type shoes are offered.
Pneumatic heat-press with 2 working tables useful to couple bond leathers and reinforcements or fabrics.
BR900 are designed to allow toe upper pre-pulling to verify his integrity. Machine with high working flexibility, suitable for all types of footwear.
Smerigliatrice a nastro, antincendio con doppi motori a doppia aspirazione con raccoglitori a vortice incorporati.
Essicatore e riattivatore della colla per suola e scarpa-stivale a nastro trasportatore.
Rivettatrice automatica pneumatica a braccio lungo con caricatore.